Data Architecture simply means the rules, standards, policies and models that govern how you collect, store, manage, integrate and use the data that your processes and systems generate.

Basically: What data do we have, what do we need to do with it, how do we ensure it plays well with other data, how should we store it, how can we report on what it’s doing and what bits of kit do we need to ensure it all runs as well as it can for the budget we’ve got?

As businesses evolve, they tend to increase in complexity: from spreadsheets to a database, then adding-in forms to record activity, accounting and payment software, activty tracking, web-based forms, HR tools and automatic exchange of information with other businesses. Getting the architecture right means that adding to, amending or integrating your systems can be done as painlessly as possible.

You will find the perfect solution to manage data architecture at Aha Analytics.

We’re experienced in a wide range of business sectors (education, retail, distribution, telecoms, manufacturing, finance), and have been involved in both integration of companies’ architecture following mergers and takeovers, the construction of entirely new infrastructures for new business or following wholesale changes in technological platforms, and advising on which products to add-on to existing systems to best fulfil client requirements.